Saturday, March 24, 2012

Boulder CO

We've been in boulder almost 3 weeks now, we found work, a place to park, and plenty of good music and people.
Snowboarding when we manage to score some free day lift tickets.

 Working every day, trying to scrounge up enough cash to get up going back on the road and hopefully all the way to Maine.

Still living in the bus, comfortably as ever in these nice 70 degree days and 45-50 degree nights. No more need to plug in for warmth. Solar panels are something we're looking into installing on the bus.

Videos will be uploaded soon.

1 comment:

  1. Hey guys, nice to read some fresh news. Sounds good! Spring arrived like Summer last week but we are back into more Maine Springlike weather now. But David is itching to get the garden planted. Fluffy had her operation and is doing very well, almost back to her silly normal self. Be well, do goo work and stay in touch. Much love from all of us back at home.
