Saturday, February 18, 2012

After spending some time in the big house, we're back on the road, cruising moutains and looking for work. 


  1. Good luck! Have question re insurance, taxes and med stuff - Need to touch base by phone -love

  2. love the pics, glad you're out and about.
    is the bottom one a diner? Do you know about the kickstart homepage? it's community supported fundraising: maybe you could set up a page to help pay for a new camera? or some diesel? or... something?
    miss you

  3. Salut du Maine lointain qui commence à être printanier. Fluffy est de + en + fluffy. TVB ici. On aimerait bien lire des nouvelles fraîches du bus et de ses occupants. Racontez où vous en êtes! Miss you guys. Big hugs.
